Disciples of Destiny

As Ambassadors of the Father we are launching into the beginning stage of building an exciting team of Radical Believers who desire to be about their Heavenly Father’s business. It is our desire to plant teams or cell groups around the world — cells of Disciples of Destiny. These believers will be trained, equipped and released into the ministry of Jesus. It is time for Christians around the world to focus on Jesus. It is time we each come to that place where our lives are all about God and no longer about self. There is a cost to walk in the fullness of God’s plans but the benefits of being a disciple of Jesus Christ are found throughout Scripture.

Disciples of Destiny — Declaration of Dedication

As Disciples of Destiny we choose to live each day in God’s presence, walk in victory by faith, breakthrough in prayer and do all things by His amazing grace. We will operate in the empowering presence of Jesus Christ, teaching others and encouraging them that they are valuable and important; that they have a mission to achieve, a destiny to be fulfilled.
It is our priority to bring the message of God’s saving power and the reality of His compassionate love to the lost, lonely, and hurting. We will reach out to the seemingly unreachable and we will, with God's help, love the unlovable. We will demonstrate our willingness to go where others fear to go. We will walk in the fullness of God's love and give it away to all we meet.

We are determined to demonstrate that our lives are now all about Him and no longer about ourselves. Our face is set into the wind knowing that the winds of adversity can cause us to soar high into His very Presence. Our road is exciting and our future is secure in God's hands. Our mission is clear, our mandate is from heaven. Our goal is to be His Messengers of Compassion, Ambassadors of His Kingdom. We will be faithful representatives of the Father’s heart.

We will not be bought, compromised or detoured, lured away or delayed. We will not flinch in the face of sacrifice, nor hesitate in the presence of the adversary. We will never negotiate at the table of compromise. We will not let up or quit until everyone has heard the message of the Cross. Our prayer will be followed by praise and action. We will preach the coming of Jesus and declare that true hope only comes through Him. We will go forward doing the things that Jesus did. We will continue until He comes, cheerfully investing our lives, our talents and our money into the expansion of His everlasting Kingdom.

If we should ever be charged for being a Christian; there will be no doubt that in any court in the land, our lives will clearly convict us of being Christians. Amen

We welcome like minded Believers to come and be part as we learn to walk in the fullness of unity building God’s kingdom!

As a supporter of Master’s Touch Ministries International, you can become a vital part of seeing many lives transformed from hopelessness and despair to Hope; from the wilderness of merely existing to a place where they can embrace an exciting and life changing vision of the cross of Jesus Christ. Imagine receiving the rewards as many new believers enter the kingdom.

Can you see how important it is for people around the globe to receive new insights and reach new levels of growth? As a supporter, you will be able to partake not only in the rewards of lives changed but you too can receive many spiritual truths that God has imparted to us over the years.